Christine’s Story, June 2012
On Wednesday evening our little girl Gabriella decided to make a quick entrance into the world (Jennifer you’re going to love this) in only “3” hours! (Ed: This was the number of hours Christine chose in hypnosis.) We were totally caught off guard. Gary and I were driving home from work that evening and I felt a pop (that I still can’t quite describe) and had a 3 minute surge that then stopped. I didn’t leak any water and didn’t know what it was. We then continued our evening by going to the grocery store.
By the time I got home and got out of the car I noticed that water had dribbled down my leg – my membranes had released! This was at 6:30pm and within 1/2 an hour surges started. By 7pm when the midwife got to our house we were told that I was already 6 centimetres dilated. We rushed to the hospital and I was told not to push in the car which was really hard as I felt that the baby was pushing to get out the whole way. By the time we got to the hospital I had no cervix showing and after 3 surges she was out!
It was a crazy evening and I still can’t believe how quick it was. I feel so lucky. Gabriella is absolutely lovely and my heart melts every time I hold her.